Anglican realignment

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Als Anglican realignment (anglikanische Neuausrichtung) wird eine konservative Bewegung bezeichnet, die sich gegen bestimmte Entwicklungen innerhalb der Anglikanischen Kirche wehrt. Ein entscheidender Auslöser für das Auftreten dieser Bewegung war die Wahl Rene Robinsons zum Bischof von New Hampshire im Jahre 2003. Robinson, der seine Homosexualität offen auslebt und theologisch verteidigt, wurde von vielen Anglikanern nicht als Bischof anerkannt. 2008 trafen sich Vertreter des Anglican realignment in Jerusalem zur ersten Global Anglican Future Conference (GAFCON). Dort wurde eine Erklärung verabschiedet, in der es unter anderem heißt:

„The Global Anglican Future Conference emerged in response to a crisis within the Anglican Communion, a crisis involving three undeniable facts concerning world Anglicanism.

The first fact is the acceptance and promotion within the provinces of the Anglican Communion of a different ‘gospel’ (cf. Galatians 1:6-8) which is contrary to the apostolic gospel. This false gospel undermines the authority of God’s Word written and the uniqueness of Jesus Christ as the author of salvation from sin, death and judgement. Many of its proponents claim that all religions offer equal access to God and that Jesus is only a way, not the way, the truth and the life. It promotes a variety of sexual preferences and immoral behaviour as a universal human right. It claims God’s blessing for same-sex unions over against the biblical teaching on holy matrimony. In 2003 this false gospel led to the consecration of a bishop living in a homosexual relationship.“

Der anglikanische Priester Thomas McKenzie (Nashville) kommentierte dieses Ereignis folgendermaßen:

Some people have expressed dismay that the Anglican Communion would divide over homosexuality.  But the acceptance of homosexual behavior isn’t the cause of the divide. It’s a symptom, the end result of decades of difficulty.  You may remember your European history.  he sixteenth-century monk Martin Luther spoke out against the selling of indulgences (“get out of purgatory” certiicates). hese were sold by the Roman Church to raise money. Luther’s actions led to the Reformation and the realignment of the European  church.  One could say that he  divided the church over a fund-raising technique, but that would be a gross misunderstanding of history. Indulgences weren’t the cause of the problem. hey were symptoms of the Roman Church’s deeply corrupt theolog and practice.  Reformation was necessary.  Many would say that the Episcopal Church has been in the same situation. Its corruption in theology and practice led to the consecration of Gene Robinson (as well as numerous other actions). Reformation and realignment were required.“

2009 spaltete sich – im Geiste des Anglican realignment – die Anglican Church of North America (ACNA) von der Anglikanischen Gemeinschaft ab. Sie zählt heute etwa 150.000 Mitglieder.